person holding pencil near laptop computer

Case Studies

See how we have helped our clients

Appeal granted for 9 dwellings - Southern England

In 2024, The Freelance Planner was approached by a regular client of ours to help them with a planning appeal. The scheme in question was for 9 residential dwellings on a brownfield site outside of the settlement boundary, but in an area with a significant amount of development being permitted.

We provided a thorough and detailed appeal statement, setting out why planning permission should be granted, all set out in our clients branding. We created this statement and compiled and submitted the appeal all within 7 days of instruction.

Our appeal statement included establishing the principle of development on the site, as well as addressing design related matters, such as the size of the dwellings and highways related issues. We also provided a thorough rebuttal to the Council's statement of case, convincing the Inspector that permission should be granted.

We successfully convinced the Inspector that the design of the scheme was appropriate for its surroundings, particularly given the substantial growth in the area. We also successfully overcome concerns relating to highway safety and parking arrangements, highlighting the fact that there were no objections from the local highway authority.

This decision helps retain our above-standard approval rate at appeal!

The successful outcome demonstrates how our attention to detail and compelling statements can help you and your clients achieve your planning goals.

an aerial view of a city surrounded by trees
an aerial view of a city surrounded by trees
New Dwelling Granted Planning Permission and Condition Appeal Win

In early 2024, The Freelance Planner was approached to provide a Planning Statement for an emerging proposal for a new residential dwelling, following a previous refusal some 2 years earlier.

We provided some valuable design advice and set about creating a convincing Planning Statement addressing the key policy issues and material considerations. This included some changes in neighbouring development and policy, which meant that the Councils reasons for refusing the previous application should no longer apply.

We then followed this successful grant of planning permission with an appeal against a planning condition removing Permitted Development Rights from the host property. The appeal was also successful, with costs being awarded to our client!

white and black building during daytime
white and black building during daytime
Objection to new dwelling at appeal

Our work doesn't just cover supporting new development, and we are often called upon to object to development that would have negative impacts to residents or businesses. This includes a project in 2024 where we were called upon to create a robust and well-reasoned objection statement for a proposed new home in a conservation area.

Our statement included a review of the Conservation Area Management Plan and neighbouring heritage assets, concluding that the proposal would cause harm to designated heritage assets that was not overcome by the public benefits.

The Inspector agreed with out assessment, and refused the proposal.

an aerial view of a city surrounded by trees
an aerial view of a city surrounded by trees